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Detailed Information

Detailed Parent Information

  • This document details the expectations, policies, and procedures of Kirbyville Elementary School.  Please contact the school with any questions.

    Click here to read the Elementary Handbook.

  • This document details the expectations, policies, and procedures of Kirbyville Preschool School.  Please contact the school with any questions.

    Click here to read the Preschool Handbook.

  • This document details the expectations, policies, and procedures of Kirbyville Extended Care Program.  Please contact the school with any questions.

    Click here to read the Extended Care Handbook.

  • Every year students at Kirbyville Elementary School are assigned a chromebook to participate in many instructional activities.  This document outlines the expectations poicies and procedures regarding a student’s school-assigned device.  Please contact the office with any questions.

    Click here to read the Student Device Handbook.

  • This document outlines the disciplinary consequences for student behavior issues.  Please contact the office with any questions.

    Click here to read the Discipline Chart.

  • The district offers an optional insurance program to reduce or eliminate costs associated with device damage, loss, or theft. The decision to accept or reject this program is entirely voluntary and has no effect on a student’s access to technology. Insurance must either be accepted or rejected at time of enrollment and all costs paid within 30 days of enrollment. If fees are not paid within 30 days of enrollment participation in the insurance program will be discontinued. Gross negligence and intentional damage are explicitly not covered and will incur the full cost to repair or replace.

    Click here to read the Device Insurance Election Form

  • The Home Hotspot Program is available to families who either can not afford or live in an area without reliable broadband internet access. Families participating in the program will receive a Kajeet hotspot kit with the hotspot, case, charger, and guide. The Kajeet hotspots use the Verizon network. Each hotspot has a daily data limit of 200 mb and a month data limit of 2gb.

    Click here to learn more about the Home Hotspot Program.

  • Students need:

    • $30 school supply fee paid to school
    • Backpack
    • Pair of tennis shoes to leave at school for PE
    • Nap Mat (Kindergarten Only)


    Click here for a printable version of the supply list.